The Hendricks Institute

My Roles:
After the Hendricks Institute went through a rebranding process and website launch with an agency, Katie chose to shift day to day management and support for the website from the agency who built it over to someone else. She chose me to handle those responsibilities. Since that point in late 2018 I have been supporting the maintenance and updating of the Hendricks’s custom built WordPress solution. When the website began requiring repairs and custom-patches often, we made the choice to rebuild the website. Using Beaver Builder and the Beaver Themer plugin I refreshed the site with a more crisp, modern feel while adhering to branding.
- Rebuilding the website while adhering to existing branding
- Custom theme creation and support. An example from November 2024: the Hendricks recently shifted their essential course and seminar offerings to include AM and PM options. The way their automations and technology stack (payment processors, customer management app, etc.) are configured, the simplest way to support their internal management processes and the customers (the learners) without creating disruptions in their workflow or adding extra options to the checkout process was to create custom fields in WordPress for the event registrations and enable conditional logic within the theme to show the appropriate registration options. These are my favorite kinds of solutions — those that help everyone in the game have a better experience doing what they want to do.
- Domain administration and management.
- Email configuration and administration for the Hendricks Institute. In late 2023 into early 2024 I supported the Hendricks recover and migrate into a new email platform more than 30GB worth of years of email content that had been corrupted during the Microsoft Exchange hack in December 2023.
- Website management and upkeep